Welcome to GLH Education Foundation

We are a non profit organization from Vancouver Canada supporting a web based educational platform that aims to provide high quality education to the people of Afghanistan and Afghan refugees in neighbouring countries.

Our Mission


Global Learning Hub strives to bridge the educational gap by providing accessible education to all individuals regardless of gender, location or background by leveraging modern technology and innovative classroom activities facilitated by our highly trained educators.

Our primary focus is to address the urgent needs of promoting girls education in Afghanistan as our initial project.

Together we can end the educational crisis in Afghanistan.


The education crisis in Afghanistan is massive, but together we can solve it.

Your Donation Can Change Lives

This education platform is funded by a combination of grants and donations, and we need your help to keep it going and to be able to bring education to those who need it most. 

Global Learning Hub programs will have a significant impact on the lives of Afghan children and girls in particular. It will provide them with access to quality education that will help them break free from the cycle of poverty and dependence, empowering them all with tools they need to create a brighter future.

Education for girls has been banned since 2021 with 3.7 million children out of school, 2.2 million of them are girls.

Learn Anywhere.
Succeed Everywhere.

School Grade
1 - 8

English Language

Computer Course

Language Course

Contact Us

Contact us for a quote, help, or to join the team.


Vancouver B.C, Canada


+1 (778) 889-7546


Afghan Girls Voices for Education